Hungarian Open Europe Cup 2024

The only competition where you can get a European Champion title.
Be the next European Champion.


1st Place : Certificate and Winner Cup
2nd PLace : Certificate and Medal
3rd Place : Certificate and Medal

Individual / Combination

Senior/Junior Section

Fashion Bridal ( on model)
Fashion Gala (on model)
Day Style (Open hairstyle) (on model / Mannequin head)
Street Bun (on model / Mannequin head)
Fashion Cut (on model / Mannequin head)
Salon Cut (on model / Mannequin head)
Tradicional Bun (on model / Mannequin head)
Braided Technical Bridal (on model / Mannequin head)
Braided Technical Day Style (on model / Mannequin head)
Braided Technical Night Style (on model / Mannequin head)
Hairtattoo (unisex) (on model)
Full Fashion Stage – Avantgarde ( unisex ) (on model)

Senior Ladies Combination

Fashion Bridal + Fashion Gala

Junior Ladies Section

Permanent waves ( Perm , Dauer ) (on model / Mannequin head)
Commercial fashion blow dry for long hair (on model / Mannequin head)
Commercial fashion blow dry for short hair (on model / Mannequin head)

Senior / Junior Gents Section

Beard trim (on model)
Barber Business Look (on model)
Gents Fashion Cut – Low Skin Fade Cut (on model)
Hairtattoo (unisex) (on model)
Full Fashion stage (unisex ) (on model)

Senior Gents Combination

Beard Trim + Barber Business look

Junior Gents Section

Gents Fashion blow dry. (on model)



Deadline: 9th of Marc 2025

Entry fee : 100 Euro

Competitors who wants to compete in combination has to Transfer the entry fee
for both events.If competitor will not compete in one or other event our company
will still charge both events of combination.

Bank Transfer Information:

Comment : Competitors Name , Category of events , Junior/Senior Section

Rules of Competition :

All competitors have to find there place on stage. Before event begin
jury will check and register mirror numbers.

It is forbidden for model’s to give any help for competitors ( Forbidden to touch
or to blow dry their hair)

While the jury is on stage model’s has to sit still. If the model’s move while the
jury is on stage the competitor will get penallty points.

In Fashion Gala / Avant Garde competitor will have 3 minutes for the final touches.

If competitor will compete on mannequin head the competitors will have 3 minutes after the event is finished to dress up their mannequin.
Competitors must dress up their mannequin for every event.

Glitter , Color Spray , Hair chalk is forbidden except Avant Garde catergory .

Competitiors will get penalty points for not following rules of the competition.
Competitiors can check their penalty points on scoreboard.
Minimum Penalty Points 3 point , Maxiumum 15 Point

Disqualification : Competitors change there mirrors numbers with each other.

Combination events :

Competitors will get 2 mirrors numbers automaticly for their 1st and 2nd events.
Competitors who are in Top 3 will get Certification , Medal , Winner Cup and Special Prize.

Ladies Section

Test 1 Fashion Bridal

Ladies Combination
Senior/Junior separately

The competitors must present the model styled in advance and brushed out before, lineup in the village holding
area. Model’s hair can be wet or dry. Prejury and refree will inspect all details.

Hair Length : Until shoulder or longer. Hair can be layered. Shortest layer can be maximum 10cm (Quiff not inlcuded)

Color : All colors are allowed. Must use 2 different colors including base color

Products : All products are allowed

Shaping tools : All allowed

Support ( stand) : All kind of support is forbidden

Hair extension : Forbidden

Ornaments : Allowed . Ornaments cant hide more then 1/3 part from the hair . Ornaments from hair are forbidden.

Jury : Will judge based on hairstlye and color. When Jury will be on stage models hair have to be visible from every angle even the top of the head
if its not visible jury can change pose of the model.

Penalty : Competitors who are not committed to rules will get penalty points based on scoreboard.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit :
Junior : 45 minutes
Senior : 35 minutes

Test 2 Fashion Gala

Ladies Combination

Senior/Junior separately

Competitors go on stage with there model’s hair ready to be judged

Competitors will have 3 minutes for final touches on stage.

Only your creativity is your limit.

Products : All porducts are allowed

Color : All colors are allowed. Color Spray is forbidden

Hair Extension : Allowed

Ornaments : Allowed

Final Creation has to fit to a Fashion Show. Final results can be similar
to a tradicional evening stlye.

Jury : Jury will give points based on the total look including color and style .
Models have to stand still until the jury is finished.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit :

Senior/Junior : 3 minutes.

Test 3

Day Style (Open Hair )

Senior,Junior combined.

Competitors arrive on stage with their model or mannequin head.
The competitors must present the model or mannequin head brushed out before, lineup in the village holding
area.Prejury and the refree of competetiton will inspect all details.
Final style have to be loose and open.
60% of final hair must be styled downwards.
Competitors who create both side of the head an ascending style combed backwards will get penalty points.
During judging it is forbidden to left any wave buckle ,hair band ,clips in the hair.

Hair Length : Until shoulder or longer. Hair can be layered. Shortest layer can be maximum 10cm (Quiff not inlcuded)

Color : All colors are allowed. Must use 2 different colors including base color, Maximum 3 color is allowed
including base color. Color Spray is forbidden.

Shaping tools : All allowed . Forbidden to left anything in final style.

Style : Final style have to be loose and open. Only one side of the head can be combed backwards.

Products : All products are allowed

Support (stand) : All kind of support is forbidden

Ornaments : Forbidden

Hair extension : Forbidden

Jury : Will judge based on hairstlye and color.
When Jury will be on stage models hair have to be visible from
every angle even the top of the head
if its not visible jury can change pose of the model.
Models have to stand still until the jury is finished.

Penalty : Competitors who are not committed to rules will get penalty points based on scoreboard.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit : 25 Minutes.

Test 4

Street Bun


Senior,Junior combined.

Competitors arrive on stage with their model or mannequin head.

The competitors must present the model or mannequin head brushed out before, lineup in the village holding
Prejury and the refree of competetiton will inspect all details.

Competitor can use scissors to cut small hairs to make a clean final look.

Hair Length : Until shoulder or longer. Hair can be layered. Shortest layer can be maximum 10cm (Quiff not inlcuded)

Color : All colors are allowed. Must use 2 different colors including base color, Maximum 3 color is allowed
including base color. Color Spray is forbidden.

Shaping tools : All allowed . Forbidden to left anything in final style.

Products : All products are allowed

Hair extension : Forbidden

Support (stand) : All kind of support is forbidden

Ornaments : Maximum 2 ornaments are allowed , ornament’s base cant be
bigger than 7,5cm. Ornaments made from hair are forbidden.

Jury : Will judge based on hairstlye and color.
When Jury will be on stage models hair have to be visible from
every angle even the top of the head
if its not visible jury can change pose of the model.
Models have to stand still until the jury is finished.

Penalty : Competitors who are not committed to rules will get penalty points based on scoreboard.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit : 20 Minutes.


Test 5

Fashion Haircut


Senior,Junior separately

The competitors must present the model styled in advance and brushed out before, lineup in the village holding
area. Model’s hair can be wet or dry. Prejury and refree will inspect all details.

Model’s or Mannequin head’s hair must be 8cm long before the test begin.
It is forbidden to cut or shape hair before test begin.
Competitors must cut minimum 2,5 cm from hair.
Prejury and the refree of competetiton will inspect all details

Cutting Tools : All allowed .

Color : All Colors are allowed. Color spray is forbidden.

Shaping Tools : All allowed , not mandatory

Products : All allowed

Hair extension : Allowed , not mandatory

Jury : Will judge based on hairstlye and color.
When Jury will be on stage models hair have to be visible from
every angle even the top of the head
if its not visible jury can change pose of the model.
Models have to stand still until the jury is finished.

Penalty : Competitors who are not committed to rules will get penalty points based on scoreboard.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit : 35 Minutes.


Test 6 Salon Cut

Senior/Junior separately.


Competitors must create a salon haircut .

Final hairstyle must be casual based on the 4 basic haircuts.

Model’s or Mannequin head’s hair must be 8cm long before the test begin.
It is forbidden to cut or shape hair before test begin.
Competitors must cut minimum 2,5 cm from hair.
Prejury and the refree of competetiton will inspect all details

Shave : Shaving is forbidden.

Cutting Tools : All allowed .

Color : All Colors are allowed. Color spray is forbidden.Maximum 2 harmonazing colors are allowed.

Shaping Tools : All allowed , not mandatory

Products : All allowed

Ornaments: Forbidden.

Hair extension : Forbidden.

Jury : Will judge based on hairstlye and color.
When Jury will be on stage models hair have to be visible from
every angle even the top of the head
if its not visible jury can change pose of the model.
Models have to stand still until the jury is finished.

Penalty : Competitors who are not committed to rules will get penalty points based on scoreboard.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit :
Junior: 40 Minutes
Senior: 35 Minutes


Test 7 Tradicional Bun

Senior/Junior separately.


Fantasy Hairstyle is forbidden.

Competitors have to create a stylish hairstlye that fits today’s
Bridal Cover’s in newspapers.

Competitors arrived on stage with their model’s or maneqquin head’s hair straight or rolled up on haircurler.
Hair cant be preshaped.
Before test begin Prejury will ask competitors to take out hair curlers from the hair and brush it in the village holding area

Hair must be brushed out before, lineup in the village holding
area. Model’s hair can be wet or dry. Prejury and refree will inspect all details.

Hair Length : Until shoulder or longer. Hair can be layered. Shortest layer can be maximum 10cm (Quiff not inlcuded)

Color : All colors are allowed. Color Spray is forbidden.

Shaping tools : All allowed . Forbidden to left anything in final style.

Products : All products are allowed

Hair extension parts : allowed , not manadatory.Maximum 3 hair parts are allowed
cant be premade. competitors have to take parts out to be visible before test begin.

Hair extension : Allowed maximum 20% of head , not manadatory.

Support (stand) : All kind of support is allowed

Ornaments : Allowed . Ornaments cant hide more then 1/3 part of final style.
Bridal Veil is forbidden.

Jury : Will judge based on hairstlye and color.
When Jury will be on stage models hair have to be visible from
every angle even the top of the head
if its not visible jury can change pose of the model.
Models have to stand still until the jury is finished.

Penalty : Competitors who are not committed to rules will get penalty points based on scoreboard.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit :
Junior: 50 Minutes
Senior: 40 Minutes

Test 8 Braided Technical Bridal

Senior/Junior separately.


Fantasy Hairstyle is forbidden.

Competitors have to create a stylish hairstlye that fits today’s
Bridal magazine’s cover page.

Competitors arrived on stage with their model’s or maneqquin head’s hair straight or rolled up on haircurler.
Hair cant be preshaped.
Before test begin Prejury will ask competitors to take out hair curlers from the hair and brush it in the village holding area

Hair must be brushed out before, lineup in the village holding
area. Model’s hair can be wet or dry. Prejury and refree will inspect all details.

Minimum 30% of the final hairstlye must be braided.

Hair Length : Until shoulder or longer. Hair can be layered. Shortest layer can be maximum 10cm (Quiff not inlcuded)

Color : All colors are allowed. Color Spray is forbidden.

Shaping tools : All allowed .

Products : All products are allowed

Hair extension parts : allowed , not manadatory.Maximum 3 hair parts are allowed
cant be premade. competitors have to take parts out to be visible before test begin.

Hair extension : Allowed maximum 20% of head , not manadatory.

Support (stand) : All kind of support is allowed

Ornaments : Allowed . Ornaments cant hide more then 1/3 part of final style.
Bridal Veil is forbidden.

Jury : Will judge based on hairstlye and color.
When Jury will be on stage models hair have to be visible from
every angle even the top of the head
if its not visible jury can change pose of the model.
Models have to stand still until the jury is finished.

Penalty : Competitors who are not committed to rules will get penalty points based on scoreboard.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit :
Junior: 50 Minutes
Senior: 40 Minutes


Test 9 Braided Technical Day Style

Senior/Junior combined


Minimum 50% of the final hairstyle must be braided. It is forbidden to braid hair before test begin .
Final hairstlye can reach maximum of 5cm ( maximum 5 cm from scalp )

Color: All colors are allowed.

Hair extension parts : Forbidden

Ornaments : Forbidden

Ribbon : Forbidden

Products : All products are allowed

Shaping tools : All allowed

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit : 50 Minutes

Test 10 Braided Technical Night Style

Senior/Junior combined


Final Hairstyle must be evening casual.

Ornaments are mandatory .
Minimum 50% of the final hairstyle must be braided. It is forbidden to braid hair before test begin .

Color : All allowed

Hair extension : Allowed

Ornamets : Mandatory

Products : Allowed

Tools : Allowed

Before test begin competitors must place hair extension parts on the table.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit : 50 Minutes


Test 11 Full Fashion Stage


Hairstlye must be prepeared in advance.

Competitors can create long or short hairstyles. Competitors have to create a final look thats fits today’s fashion magazine’s cover page.

This category must be created before test begin. Jury will judge the final look only when test begin.
Jury will judge based on Hairstyle, style , make-up and all accessories in this test.
Competitors will have 3 minutes on stage for the final touches.
Hair extension is allowed.
Jury will be selected speccialy to this test to judge the total look of the models ( hairstlye, styling,make-up exc.)
Models have to hold their mirror numbers visible until jury is finshed.

Competitors who break the rules will get penalty points.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit : 3 Minutes

Test 12 Permanent Waves (Perm , Dauer)



Only tradicional curlers made from plastic are allowed
Long and short curlers are both allowed
Curlers must cover full scalp.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit : 40 Minutes

Test 13 Commercial fashion blow dry for long hair



Test 14 Commercial fashion blow dry for short hair

Gents Competition Section

Test 1 Beard trim
Gents Combination


Junior/Senior Combined

Beard must be wet before test begin .

Length: Minimum 5cm.
It is forbidden to create a contour line before test begin.
Color : All colors are allowed. Color spray is forbidden.
Tools : All allowed

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit : 20 Minutes

Test 2 Barber Business Look
Gents Combination


Junior/Senior combined

In this test competitors must create a masculine business hairstlye where competitors show all
the barber knowledge with fades,shades and tools.

Models must arrived with their top of the head wet (if not prejury will make it wet)

It is forbidden to use any product before test begin

Length: Top of the scalp min. 10 cm and min. 1cm under the crownline.
If the model’s hair is shorten prejury will give penalty points.

Color : Maximum 2 colors are allowed including base color it can be natural or dyed. Color spray is forbidden

Tools : All allowed

Cut : Barber Cut

Hairtatto : Forbidden. Maximum a sidepart line allowed.

Jury : Will judge based on hairstlye and color.
When Jury will be on stage models hair have to be visible from
every angle even the top of the head
if its not visible jury can change pose of the model.
Models have to stand still until the jury is finished.

Penalty : Competitors who are not committed to rules will get penalty points based on scoreboard.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit : 30 Minutes.

Test 3 Gents Fashion Cut 2024 – Low skin fade cut

Junior/Senior Combined


Hair extension is forbidden.

Length: No limit . Forbidden to cut fade before test begin .

Color: No limit

Cutting Tools : All allowed

Sidepart : Allowed, Must be created under time limit for this test.

Finish : Blow Dryer is forbidden. Final look must be wearable for day time.

Scoreboard :

Minimum : 24 point
Maximum : 30 point

Time Limit : 30 Minutes.